Permobil Hälsa & Hälsa Plus Adjustable Home Care Bed
The Hälsa Bed is an electric, adjustable home care bed available in standard and Plus sizes and includes a 10-button hand pendant. The Trendelenburg (and Reverse Trendelenburg) feature comes standard and allows clients to lay flat on their back on a 15–30 degree incline with their feet elevated above the head. Additionally, it offers the capability of moving both the head and foot sections simultaneously, an upgraded large castor option, and easy disassembly for transportation and storage.
The Hälsa Bed Half Side Rail (HSR) package includes: 36” head and footboard, and a set of half side rails. The Hälsa Bed Full Side Rail (FSR) package includes: 36” head and footboard, and a set of full size rails. The Hälsa Plus Bariatric Bed HSR package includes: 36”, 39”, 42” or 48” head and footboard, and a set of half side rails. Please indicate your choice of natural or wine colour head/footboards. Wine colour option only available in the 36” wide head/footboard.
- Standard and Plus sizes available
- Trendelenburg & Reverse Trendelenburg
- Dual posts on each side increases stability
at all heights - Low position: 9.875”
- High position: 25.625”
- Disassembles into four section for easy
transport or storage - Standard size: 36” x 80”; Plus size: four width
options - 36”, 39”, 42”, and 48” - Weight capacity of up to 375 lb for standard
and 500 lb for Plus/bariatric model
• Natural or wine colour head/footboard
• Hooks for incontinence bag
• 3 locking castors & 1 directional locking castor
• Side and foot mattress retainers
• Receptacle for trapeze bar
• 2 receptacles for IV holder stems
• Virtually noise-free with low electrical consumption DC Linak motors
• Assist bar or half side rails, interchangeable between head and foot sections
• Full side rails (only fits standard bed)
• New! Slip-on rail pad covers (shown)
• Trapeze bar
• Battery backup
• Upgraded large castor option
Bed frame (10 years), mechanical (4 years), electrical (2 years), wood products (1 year)